Monday 18 February 2013

DIY Project!! Dining Room Canvas

LOVE having the day off with Mario! Today we decided to tackle a project I've been super excited about - a HUGE canvas that we found in the basement of our building! It had already been painted but we hated it - we decided to paint over it, and make our own! 

First we gave the canvas a thorough wipe, to ensure that the paint adheres.

Next, we used a white acrylic paint, and applied with a foam roller for a smooth and consistent finish.

Once the canvas had been evenly primed and left to dry.. we got to the fun part!

We picked a few different greens and blues as well as a white and black (which you should always keep on hand for home projects to darken/lighten the colors you already have). We blended a few colours, and added water to some for different shades, and consistencies and went crazy!

Im really happy with the way it turned out! I think if we had gone any further it would start to look juvenile. Sticking to a colour palette, and leaving enough negative space can create a luxe collectible look for WAY LESS!

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