Thursday 7 February 2013

*EASY* Caramelized Chicken & Zuchini Fries

My man arrived home from Dallas hungover, sleepy, and surprise surprise - HUNGRY!
After a hasty sandwich and a long nap, he will no doubt be hungry again, so heres whats for dinner tonight!

Caramelized Baked Chicken & Zucchini Fries!
 Prep: 5 mins Cook: 30ish mins

When I first started cooking, I found it toughest to TIME parts of a meal to be ready together - the key is to take a few minutes and plan, and know when to ask for help. This one's easy - I've timed it perfectly for you!! The best part of this recipe is its QUICK and all the ingredients are in your Pantry!! Just grab fresh zucchinis and defrost some chicken!

Ready? Preheat the oven to 375

2 Chicken breasts cut in half LENGTHWISE - so they are thinner *I do this when half frozen to make it easy*(You could use wings or thighs too)  
3/4 Cup Honey
1/4 cup Soy sauce
3 generous squirts of ketchup
tbsp cornstarch slurry (cornstarch mixed with a dash of water)
1 dash of hot sauce/chilli sauce
 A pinch of Salt and Pepper
1 chopped clove of garlic

For the fries:
2 tablespoons of butter
2 medium sized zucchinis
1 1/2 cups breadcrumbs
1 cup Parmagiano Reggiano Cheese
Pinch of Salt and Pepper
* a palmful of any other seasoning you like eg: chilli flakes, italian seasoning, steak spice

1. Combine honey, soy, ketchup, chilli sauce, chopped garlic, slurry and S&P in a bowl and whisk together until well combined. *Taste it, its amaazing*
2. Pour over the chicken in a baking dish and slide it in the oven for 10 mins (to start)

**While the chicken starts cooking, were going to prep zuchini fries and make rice**

3. Cut ends off zucchinis. Chop them in half and then into finger sized sticks
4. Heat butter in a shallow bowl 
5. Combine seasonings, breadcrumbs and cheese in another shallow bowl.
6. Toss zucchini sticks in butter and then in the breadcrumb mixture 
7. Place fries on baking sheet 
8. Begin cooking rice to package directions (I use the instant packages of rice, easy and tasty)

9. *if its been 10 mins* Crank the oven to 425 and slide the fries in (baste & flip chicken) 
10. Bake for 15 minutes, turning fries, stirring rice and basting chicken once

 Fries are browned, and chicken has cooked through in its caramelized juices - Rice should be done now as well - That's perfect timing folks!! Live it, Learn it!

PLATE - Lay one or two pieces of chicken on a small bed of rice to one side of the plate. Pile some zucchini fries on the other side. Drizzle a little caramelized sauce over top. DONE! 


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